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video / 15min / streo / color

The location of this work is "Omotesando, Tokyo"
"Omotesando" is the most fashionable street in Tokyo,
but the origin of this street is also the way to "Meiji Shrine" which is Shinto for God.

But in these days, the way to the Japanese God is lined with many brand shops of foreign capitals such as Louis Vuitton, Dior, Armaniand so on.

Furthermore, many different type of shops such as sushi bar, toy store and convenience store coexist on the same way.
This "Omotesando" street such as chaos, express Tokyo / Japan figuratively.
Tokyo has established new Tokyo culture by accepting new thing without hesitating.
The Film starts from the scene, a woman in red Kimono prays to God of Shinto the "Meiji Shrine".
And after this scene, the woman meets some people who wears traditional, formal clothes, such as office worker, school uniform, worker ...

Us Japanese changes our tradition and receives many new things.

This work is an antithesis for recently Japan that is getting intolerant.

Main Screening & Exibition
National Museum of Saint-Étienne, Saint-Étienne Biennale, France
"Regards sur de Japon", Saint-Étienne, France

Copyright © 2021 SayakaSHIMADA. All rights reserved.

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